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Spicy Thai salad of green papaya

Follow the recipe to prepare about 800g of delicious spicy salad of green papaya. It is supposed to be for 4 people, but I can confirm that eating this portion of the sitting is not out of the reach of one individual.

For salad we need:

  • 1 bigger immature papaya (about 800g or more), in need of finely chopped cabbage or zucchini
  • 1 large tomato or a handful of miniature (to cut)
  • 4 medium-sized cooked shrimps that are split into half the media cut.
  • 2 medium lemons or limes
  • Garlic, fresh chilli peppers or jalapeno and pepper or spices to taste
  • a cup of roasted peaches
  • sugar, fish or oyster sauce

Preparation and other information

The preparation of this dish is typical of chilli peppers, peaches, garlic and spices in the mortar. If we use dried prawns instead of fresh shrimp, we mix them with ingredients. Instead of fresh shrimp, you can use chicken breasts, or for another taste, blooming bacon. The bacon is not afraid that it is oily and contains cholesterol, because the greasy taste, if you do not like it, will satisfy cholecystokinin and hunger. Cholesterol is no longer a medical sinner anymore. (But the shrimp is right for that salad.)

Garlic according to the taste of 2-5 cloves, chili peppers must be estimated. For this salad to be right, it must be spicy to hot. I personally prefer less hot jalapeno peppers, which can be added more, asian peppers are too much for me. We burst the buraki well and do not save them. It is best to make some more fried peanuts (like almonds) even though they are roasted. We are not afraid of the hot taste. Thermogenic capsaicin helps increase metabolism and relieves pain - it also acts directly on the pain receptors, and therefore burns. Just for the sake of interest, chickens and birds do not feel capsaicin and hot peppers are not burning.

After adding the spices, add lemon or lime juice, 3 tablespoons fish or oyster sauce and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix and top with medium-grained peeled green paprika and sliced tomatoes. Stir, let stand for about 10 minutes and consume.

This food can rightly be considered healthy and curative. Ingredients and spices can be varied. The really important ingredients are: Immature Papaya, containing, in addition to vitamins and other positive vegetable phytochemicals, papain enzyme, ie enzyme therapy in natural form. Further, they are chili peppers, lemon juice, meat ingredient and, to a lesser extent, garlic. Enzyme therapy and chilli act against inflammation and pain , while the mass component in acidic citric pH slowly softens with papain is hydrolysed, with the resulting amino acids improve the taste of lettuce. Burks are not necessary, but significantly improve taste and contain healthy fatty acids. Spices can basically give us what we want, I would recommend eg fresh basil.

| 2011 - 24.1.2018