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Warfarin is an effective paracelsal anticoagulant that, in high doses, serves as a rat poison in another industry. The mechanism of death is internal bleeding. As a warfarin venom, it excels in the fact that due to its late effects its rodents do not relate to the taste of the bait, and also because there is a 100% antidote against it: vitamin K.

Frequently mentioned ginseng interaction with warfarin does not exist ( Zhu1999pig , Vaes2000iww , Lee2010ibw ). Propaganda theorists know that slander does not have to be true to poppies to spread. Especially the shameless slanders are relatively more effective because decent people do not count with such a big difference between defamation and reality.

The ginseng itself has a mild anticoagulant effect , but as an adaptogen it is not even poisonous in high doses. It is not an effective anticoagulant medicine like warfarin but has other highly beneficial properties that make it very desirable for people with cardiac and vascular disease. The ginseng vessel benefits mainly by facilitating the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the vascular endothelium, thereby helping to reduce elevated blood pressure and improving vascular regeneration . With its anti-inflammatory effect , ginseng also protects the heart and brain from ischemic damage in the already infarcted heart attack. The ginseng does not disturb the effect of warfarin, but it is suitably complemented by its protective effect.

| 2009 - 24.1.2018