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Ginseng is particularly suitable for drivers

Have a nice day. I am 41 years old and work as a truck driver. At the last check at the GP, my pressure was 140/90 and I was prescribed Hipres 0.5g once a day. Since I've been healthy for all my life and never used any medication, I'd rather stop using chemistry and choose a more natural remedy with just the six-year-old female-female root. The first 60g I ordered today and I expect to help me with long-term use. I do not think my pressure is as high as some people who have links to your site. I will use the tea according to the instructions and will inform you of the effects. Otherwise, I would like to say that your site is very popular and educational. Have a nice day. With Regards Libor

Nice days for you, Mr Libor,

thank you for your appreciation, I am very pleased. To your problem:

I hope your doctor has excluded her secondary hypertension caused by other serious diseases (kidney, thyroid, endocrine system ...). However, primary hypertension should not be underestimated as "beginning" - it is rather the final phase of creeping progressive arteriosclerosis, or rarely, something else.

Driving a truck is a major burden for your life

Somebody should write a separate life book only for truck drivers - it's a very specific lifestyle that can not be applied to the usual eating principles, the day and night cycle, etc. I have already written about the inner clocks governing sleepiness and awakening . Regular sleep and wakefulness are hard to keep in your job. Perhaps your only advantage is that you have some peace of mind sometimes in the cabin - annoyance of hypertension does not benefit.

Phytochemistry is also a chemistry, only well-educated

It is not quite right to distinguish between natural healing and chemistry. Nature is just chemistry - but the type we are used to in the forest. Among the thousands of medicinal phytochemicals are those that really fit for the treatment of hypertension . Their search process, called bioprospecting, is far from complete. Paracelsov's drug therapy has been successful in the field of direct and short-acting chemicals (low-dose poisons, antibiotics , etc.). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TČM) has the most outstanding in the field of phytochemicals and natural adapogenics.

Ginseng can also be taken with amlodipine

Hipres (amlodipine) causes hard vascular expansion. It protects against a direct threat of stroke, but it has side effects. Ginseng has a chance to help with high blood pressure and the progress of arteriosclerosis . Its interaction with amlodipine is minimal ( Ryu2014npi ), so you can take both medicines at the same time. In any case, the use of these medicines must be done by a doctor, my answer is only indicative.


As a driver, you will also appreciate the effect of ginseng on fatigue and on improving mental concentration . This effect may be slower (even in days) but is a welcome addition to other stimulants (mainly caffeine). Unlike caffeine, ginseng does not cause the opposite effect (drowsiness) when discharged. Caffeine is a small molecule that is poisonous for many animals, including pets. One can tolerate caffeine because of its tropical past. Caffeine mimics the nucleotide adenosine, binds to adenosine receptors and thus produces a number of effects: increased alertness, intestinal motility, blood pressure, gastric acidity, diuresis (urination) and decreased hunger. However, the body responds to abnormal irritation after several days by reducing the number of receptors so that the effect of caffeine is reduced or completely disappeared after this time. But if we dump it, it is followed by a period of drowsiness, reduced intestinal motility, hypotension, gastric acid deficiency, retention of water in the body (internal swelling) and an increased sense of hunger. In other words, if we do not have a weekend to overcome these negative symptoms, we must continue to use caffeine, although this benefit does not lie in the normal state. Therefore, the caffeine potential for weight loss is very limited. It is, however, undisputed that caffeine is a powerful and effective stimulant, which can therefore be beneficial when used properly. I do not know exactly how to use caffeine in order to be beneficial, but I know that I'm a caffeine (I can not get away from caffeine) and I also love the taste of coffee.


| 2011 - 24.1.2018