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Analgesics ("pain pills")

Powder pains are among the most commonly prescribed medications. It was also the historically-known Venetian dryman containing opium, just like Paracelsus laudanum . Although classic anti-inflammatory and anti -inflammatory effects are common, today's analgesics are paralyzed .

Opioid analgesics

Pure morphine (an opioid ) is now used for analgesia in lethally ill patients (mainly cancer patients ). Substantially wider use, however, has analgesics containing opioid codeine and other opioids . Codeine slowly changes into morphine in the body and is the core of dangerous addictive drugs - Alnagon and its clones. Other opioids are Tramadol and Tramal .

Cyclooxygenase inhibitors

Less dangerous analgesics are cyclooxygenase inhibitors: Aspirin , ibuprofen (Brufen, Dolgit, etc.), paracetamol (Paralen, Panadol, Paramax, Coldrex) and others. These have become de facto pancakes today. They are prescribed universally and are used by men, women, children, sick, health and athletes to train more. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) , which is available without prescription, was introduced in the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling medicine in the world in the 1950s.

In fact, I have absolutely no certainty that aspirin-like analgesics are harmful. On the contrary, I know that, at least sometimes, cycloxygenase inhibitors are beneficial even for sustained use. The aspirin password today has more than 2,000 scientific reports that say what the most recent ( Sarbacker2016aup ) says - that regular doses of aspirin contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (stroke) mainly in the elderly. It is also not true that these substances are not "natural" - because aspirin is an improved version of salicylic acid from the willow bark. Vab's bark contains tannins and other defenses, and salicylic acid without modification to aspirin damages the stomach. Aspirin in the tablets is much better than the odor of the willow bark, which I say as an advocate for natural treatments and adaptogens.

How do cycloxygenase inhibitors work?

Like any police system, the immune system also uses communication . However, immune cells do not use the transmitters, but a special class of chemical molecules called prostanoids . There are many species of prostanoids to transmit different signals, but all of them are produced by the rolking of arachidonic acid by the enzyme cycloxygenase. And it is precisely the purpose of the inhibitory action of all of these powders on aspirin-like pain. If the cycloxygenase is discontinued, the whole immune system will fall into forced radio silence. Inflammation stops , pain stops , often to the patient's great pleasure. However, it is questionable whether the complete elimination of prostanoid communication is the optimal approach.

Cannabinoid analgesics

The transfer of pain to the brain is already well explored today and dozens of different blockers can be used at any point in this cascade, which are used as anesthetics and analgesics. I do not give a complete list of them, but I would like to mention another class of analgesics: cannabinoids found in cannabis . Cannabinoids have a well-known analgesic effect ( Elikkottil2009apc , Walker2002can ), and cannabis for healing purposes is now officially available ( pdf , pharmacy map ). Cannabinoids inhibit inflammation and, potentially, pain by acting on cannabinoid CB 2 receptors on the surface of T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and other white blood cells ( Turcotte2016cri , Shang2016ccr ). Its soothing effect on white blood cannabis helps even with autoimmune diseases ( Katz2016mca ).

| 2009 - 24.1.2018