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Chewing ginseng (for theoreticians)

Chewing ginseng is no more complicated than sucking the candy. (Red Ginseng is naturally unpleasant). Basically, there should not be talk of chewing because the slice does not taste, but it mainly sucks. It's not up to you to read about this activity, but try it. There is nothing special about sucking ginseng, everyone can boldly follow intuition. But because - as Moliere already knew - people like to learn about simple things, here is the theory of using red ginseng by sucking:

What happens when chewing ginseng

Chewing is a matter of personal preference, taste and sometimes even practicality. For example, a health-conscious driver may have ginseng in a drawer at the steering wheel. She does not always have time to make ginseng tea , but the sliced ginseng has a hand and at the beginning of a longer ride she puts one or more slices in her mouth. A slice of quality six-year-old ginseng, such as the Korean insam ginseng , is vitally hard in the first few minutes, like hard candy but its surface soon softens and starts to release panaxosides and other substances responsible for the characteristic ginseng taste and aroma . The red ginseng is treated in such a way that, although dry, it is hard and durable, in its damp condition, its fiber is not cohesive and breaks down as it sucks. This reveals a deeper layer of a damp soap and the process is repeated until full consumption, just like candy. Together with the enzyme ptyalin contained in the saliva, ginseng slice, whose extraction would last for many hours at 37 ° C, is consumed in about 15 minutes. This is roughly the time when the first short-term effects of improving alertness and mental activity begin to slow. Ginseng does not chew his teeth like chewing gum, the curled slice does not reproach. This would be a shame because ginseng fiber is captured by specific proteoglycans ("polysaccharides") , whose extraction can handle proteases in the stomach.

| 2013 - 24.1.2018