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When someone asks us to introduce ourselves to a typical fool, we most likely think of a schizophrenic scholar who is the Archbishop or Emperor of the Lord. In spite of a definition, schizophrenia in practice is little more than a cover name for "common madness".

A set of diseases called schizophrenia maintains its unified existence, which seems to me mainly due to their "successful" treatment of dopamine antagonists. Inactivation of dopamine pathways is the key that the fools will miraculously calm down, making them more manageable for the fools, or even getting rid of them in home treatment. (Before you start wondering how to say crazy and madness, read something about the latest trends in nosony .) It is said that once popular lobotomy works just because it interrupts dopamine pathways leading from VTA to the front brain lobe. The psychiatric hammer on schizophrenia is haloperidol, also called chemical lobotomy. Haloperidol blocks the dopamine pathways for a long time without destroying half of the patient's brain wiring. Workers of psychiatric hospitals haloperidol et al. they do not know how to praise, their precursor chlorpromazine was popular.

According to an increasing number of opinions (including me), schizophrenia is not primarily a dopaminergic disease. Haloperidol - like lobotomy - rather only causes a sick madman to lose interest in his crazy program. There are interesting works that put schizophrenia in close connection with creative thinking. In this interpretation, schizophrenia would be a manifestation of anomalous creativity.

Before I get further into schizophrenia, I will still point out the effects of ginseng on protecting dopaminergic neurons from dying .

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