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Cancer from the perspective of evolutionary biology

1. Malignant overthrow as a stochastic process of biological evolution

... Cancer cells adapt to treatment

2. Anti-cancer immunity from an evolutionary point of view

Finally, let's note that people are very well aware of the anti-cancer immunity. Man is a naturally long-lived animal against cancer that is better equipped than most vertebrates. Throughout our lives, our immune system detects and destroys dozens of tumors without bothering to inform us.

... big and long-lived animals and K stratego boot like humans naturally have high anti-cancer immunity

... the fact that cancer has a high share of the causes of death of a population is to be considered as a civilization and medical success

3. Cancer as a living organimus - Helacyton gartneri

The development of cancer is like the emergence of life. Somatic ba or stem cells of the body (except the germinal line) do not fulfill the definition of life (read Flegr). In contrast, cancer cells fulfill this definition, although their ecological niche is extremely narrow - the single host organism. The biologist (google name) has noticed that cancer cell lines used in the research have spread this niche to laboratory utensils in the culture rooms of science institutes, and to his glory has chosen to describe HeLa cells as a eukaryotic taxon with everything, including the Latin name Helacyton gartner. This, of course, sparked a stormy discussion of all concerned, from taxonomies to evolutionary biologists. Also, except that Helacyton belongs to Eukaryotes, it is unclear what higher taxa are there - the Hominidae family, and it probably will not.

With the onset of cancer, there is also a diametric shift in the definition of health. From a host's point of view, healthy cells are the ones that do what they have and do not divorce without permission. From the point of view of cancer as a living organism, the cancer cell is the healthier, the more malignant it is.


Cancer cells can be seen as individuals of self-reliant, selfish, unwanted way of life and the body of a foreign organism. This idea is not original. I am by no means the first biologist who uses this idea for the sensational style of writing. Evolutionary biologist Leigh van Valen, in his self-realization, even went so far as to describe the known HeLa cells as a living organism and named Helacyton gartleri . From a practical point of view, oncologists and cancer patients themselves are important to understand that the power of evolution is acting on cancer cells.

Cancer cells adapt to treatment ...

... just like bacteria. So the rule of sufficient doses and antibiotics is also valid for tumors only in the longer term.


Tumors spur control and begin relatively autonomous growth, although under normal circumstances, cells are able to detect and repair their mutation, or eventually at least resolve apoptosis.

At some stage, tumor growth, which is manifested by, for example, pressure, blood loss ( ischemia ), and cell death ( necrosis ) at the tumor site, notices the immune system that develops an attempt to destroy the tumor.

How quickly does evolution affect cancer cells?

About twenty times slower than bacteria. While we have 2-4 weeks for first-line antibiotics to treat bacteria in the first few weeks (if not treated), we have cancer for more than a year. Therefore, when dosing natural drugs with anticancer effects, care should be taken to ensure that dosing is sufficient during the first year of treatment to achieve the greatest cumulative effect until the tumor is adapted to the treatment.

Cancer cells - a drawback

They are very similar to our own cells.

Cancer cells - an advantage

They look like our own cells. Unlike microbial parasites, they have conscience. Cancer cells are considerably less problematic than cells under the control of viral infection . Ordinary cancer cells are basically good, have good intentions, they are a little confused (until they get to the end of the malign process). They can even say hormonal therapy or hear from the immune cells. Again, here again, the law of evolution applies: The most obedient survive :-)

total ban on treatment ... F alun Gong ... I was unsympathetic until he only complained that the PRC government is limiting and shutting down ... I got my interest only when I found out that the leader is an anti-medical practitioner

Compared to other animals, we have excellent anti-cancer defenses

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